2 Job Opportunities at TANROADS February 2025 - New Jobs
TANROADS (Tanzania National Roads Agency) is an Executive Agency under the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications in Tanzania. It’s responsible for the development, maintenance, and management of the country’s trunk and regional road network.
Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) is vested with the responsibility of Maintenance and Development of the Trunk and Regional Roads Network in Tanzania Mainland. It is also responsible in conducting Axle Load Control Operations using weighbridge scales.
The Regional Manager TANROADS Songwe on behalf of the Chief Executive TANROADS is looking for suitable qualified and competent Tanzanians to fill vacant posts available for the project of Upgrading of Isongole II-Kasumulu-Ipyana-Katumba, Songwe Regional Road (114.3 KM)Including Ndembo-Isoko spur road (5.914KM) and Muungano-Ipyana Section (0.658KM) to Bitumen Standard Lot 1: Isongole IINdembo Section (46.5Km) Including Ndembo-Isoko Spur road (5.914KM)
TANROADS thus intends to hire qualified and capable employees to fill out vacancies in the specific projects mentioned above in the following fields;
The organization is inviting applications from candidates to apply for new vacant positions. Click below to apply jobs
• Resident Engineer Vacancy at TANROADS
• Topographic Surveyor Vacancy at TANROADS
2 Job Opportunities at TANROADS February 2025
Application Instructions
All Tanzanians interested in the graduates have been invited to offer their requests, closing their detailed warfare, certified copies of relevant education and expert certificates, and two prominent references and their contact addresses, phone numbers, emails. They should reach the address below before 16:30 hours on February 21, 2025.
Late applications will not be considered for evaluation.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Those who are not contacted for an interview should consider themselves unsuccessful.
Applications should be submitted to:
The Regional Manager,
P.O. Box 1410,